Do you ever wonder why we ask you so many questions?

Are the items in the box fragile?

Is there a replacement value?

Have you ever shipped there before?

What are you shipping?

Does it contain any liquids, perishables, flammables, lithium batteries, explosives or other hazardous materials?


It may seem like we’re being nosey, but in reality we’re asking so many questions to ensure you have a great shipping experience. No one wants to get a phone call saying their package didn’t make it because it ignited on a truck and melted all the packages around it. There is a certain way to pack certain items and ship them; especially in terms of hazmat or hazardous material.

We also ask for safety reasons. It’s our job to protect the shipping stream from absorbing illegal and hazardous packages that could damage other packages or, worse, the people who handle the packages.

Shipping hazardous material is very dangerous when the package goes on a plane. Temperature change and air pressure can have a serious and sometimes fatal effect on different chemicals and materials. The carriers have very specific rules for these items and they must be adhered to avoid a tragic ending.

It’s become such an important issue that the Post Office requires all of their staff to ask The Hazmat Question. You may have heard it before if you’ve shipped anything out of your local Post Office lately (at least you should have heard it).

The question is as follows:

Does this parcel contain anything fragile, liquid, perishable, or potentially hazardous including lithium batteries and perfume?

If a Postal Employee is caught not asking it, they can be fired or suspended for a substantial period of time. It’s that serious. While it may seem harsh, the goal is to make the customer realize what they’re shipping could be dangerous to other packages or employees. Just because something was shipped to you does not mean you can ship it out nor can we, an authorized shipper for DHL, FedEx or UPS.

Ammunition is a good example. You can ship it, but according to FedEx you have to go through training, become certified, and then receive a special Ground account. Even then you can only go to a FedEx owned and operated facility to ship the item; not Your Go To Place!

So how do you know what can and can’t be shipped?

It’s extremely difficult with new products coming out all the time. Rules and policies are always changing due to our ever-evolving global landscape. Add into the mix specific rules for specific countries that vary on a daily basis and you have a recipe for confusion and frustration if you’re doing it on your own. It’s nearly impossible to know what items are classified as hazardous material.

If you’re not sure whether you can ship a certain item or how it needs to be packed because it may be hazardous, call Your Go To Place ~ Atlantic Pack & Parcel and ask for help. If we don’t have the answer we will gladly reach out to our carrier representatives and get an answer for you.

So we’re left with one more question to ask ...

What are you shipping today?



Have A Question?

For more information, call us at 321.952.2060

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